Maxwell House
The Mosaic Center provides supportive services to the residents of Maxwell House, a federally subsidized apartment complex in downtown Augusta, GA. TMC and Mosaic Church have had a strong presence at Maxwell House for more than 12 years, and we now have a full-time staff member working with residents 5 days a week. Many of our friends in Maxwell House contend with disabilities and complicating factors that make employment difficult, so we strive to offer physical, emotional, and spiritual resources where they are most needed.
What we do
We have the joy of providing needed support to residents in a variety of ways, which we refer to as Supportive Services. This includes providing several food distributions each month, along with access to emergency food resources. Residents are also provided an opportunity to secure low-cost options for cleaning supplies, paper products, and toiletry items. Transportation and prescription assistance is available, as is help with other healthcare needs, such as making medical appointments and signing up for health insurance. New residents, some of which were homeless, have access to our Welcome Closet where they are given items that help make their new apartment more usable and comfortable.
Through Bible studies, in-house worship services and communion, and transportation to Sunday morning church services, we offer emotional and spiritual support to residents as they face life’s difficult challenges. The Mosaic Center aims to provide a lifeline while sharing the deep truths of Hope and Grace.
The relationships formed between staff, volunteers, and residents lead to growth in community, change in environment, cycles broken, and lives rebuilt.
As we grow, we plan to provide additional TMC programs, including discipleship training, prayer groups, literacy classes, mentoring, and employment workshops. There are multiple ways to connect, volunteer, and donate. To volunteer or learn more, email us at